2024 Photo Challenge 
Time for another challenge! 
Week 1: Patterns & Textures
Capture the intricate details of patterns or textures in everyday objects, architecture, or nature. Focus on repetition, symmetry, or contrasting textures.
Week 2:  Favourite Books
Showcase a single favourite book any way you like, or photography a stack of books or a bookshelf
Week 3: Shadows & Silhouettes
Play with light and shadow to create dramatic images. Silhouettes against bright backgrounds or interesting shadow patterns can make striking photos.
Week 4: Minimalism
Embrace simplicity by focusing on clean, uncluttered compositions. Highlight one subject or use negative space to create a sense of calm and focus.
Week 5: Motion Blur
Capture movement by intentionally using motion blur. Whether it's people, vehicles, or nature in motion, this technique can add a dynamic feel to your images.
Week 6: Abstract
Dive into abstract photography by focusing on shapes, colours, and forms rather than clear subjects. Experiment with angles, close-ups, and unusual perspectives.
Week 7: Contrasts
Show contrasts in colour, light, texture, or scale. Look for scenes that juxtapose opposing elements to create visually striking compositions.
Week 8: Street Scenes
Capture the essence of urban life. This could include candid moments, architecture, street art, or any aspect of the street that tells a story.
Week 9: Everyday Objects
Turn ordinary objects into something extraordinary by capturing them from a unique perspective or in a creative context.
Week 10: Free Week
Post whatever you like, something you captured this week that you just love for whatever reason!
Week 11: Leading Lines
Find and photograph leading lines in your environment. These could be roads, railways, architectural elements, or natural formations that guide the viewer's eye through the image.
Week 12: Symmetry
Explore symmetry in your surroundings. This could be found in architecture, nature, or even reflections, creating balanced and harmonious compositions.
Week 13: Close-Up
Get up close and personal with your subject. Capture the fine details of small objects, textures, or even facial features to reveal something often overlooked.
Week 14: Colour Pop
Focus on one vibrant colour in an otherwise muted scene. This could be achieved through selective colour editing or by finding naturally occurring contrasts.
Week 15: A furry or feathered friend
Since these are living creatures, you may have to be a little more patient to photograph them! Some subjects could be a cat, a dog, a squirrel, a chicken, or a bird.
Week 16: Product Photography
Consider putting yourself in the shoes of someone shooting for a magazine or website - what are the things that a client would want you to portray for putting their product in the best light possible
Week 17: Recreate a classic photo
Try to recreate a famous photo from the past!
Week 18: Golden Hour Indoors
Recreate the warm, soft light of the golden hour indoors using artificial lighting or natural light through windows. Focus on the warm tones and soft shadows.
Week 19: Technology
Technology is here to stay, why not take a photo of your favourite tech? You can keep it real and photograph your computer monitor with all of the post-its attached to the side, or you can style up your phone and iPad with some flowers and a cup of coffee and go to town. 
Week 20: Line from a song
Dive into your favourite tunes and pick a line that resonates or sparks your imagination. Your task is to create a scene that embodies this specific lyric, capturing its mood, story, or message through your lens. Extra points for posting the song to Instagram!
- the week runs Sunday to Sunday
- Post three of the best images from that challenge by 8pm on sunday evening